Next ROSA Florida Meeting:  Location TBA  See Future Events CalendarThursday January 23rd. 2025 6:00 PM
EST  7830 NW 79th Terrace, Tamarac, FL 33321 ​By Zoom>>> Click Zoom Link: 
 Meeting ID: 688 837 8301 ​Passcode: 1d4ygE 

Created by products found on Doms And Webs

Facebook Group Link
ROSA FLORIDA is off to a great start this 2024 year with many programs and activities that our members look forward to and support each year, we still look forward to your continued support. Being a member of ROSA FLORIDA and supporting Rusea's High School with your Membership Dues of $50.00 yearly, goes a long way to helping us meet many of our ongoing obligations, along with all the rights and privileges afforded.  
>>>>Membership Form   

Our annual Jerkque is coming up on April 6th. 2025. Mark your calendars! *Information subject to change.  Tickets can be purchased through Zelle online using our Phone contact # 954-520-9293 or email address Please put a note in the payment memo for Jerkque tickets, type of meal, and quantity. 

Getting Students Ready 4 school

​Scholarships. ​
Together, we labour, conquer all the odds. "LABOR OMNIA VINCIT" (Labour Conquers All).


No donation is too small! The donations you provide assist ROSAFL in the continued development of Rusea's High School through its Rusea's Old Student's Association Florida Chapter, ROSAFL.
Use our PayPal secured site to make your donation today!! All donations are tax-deductible under USA IRS regulations for a 501(c)(3) non-profit.

Rusea's High School Student Dolls
Standing 18" Tall, these dolls help you capture your school spirit, pride, and memories of your time at school. Whether you choose the 60s-80s-Rosalie, Early-80s-Rosalind, Present Day-Rosalyn, or all 3, they stand out in vivid detail and are hand made to order. $75.00 Each + Shipping & Handling. Also available in skirt and blouse 6th Form Version. 
Proceeds help ROSA Florida Chapter support Rusea's High School, Lucea, Hanover, Jamaica efforts to maintain educational excellence.
Dolls are handmade to order. Allow 3 weeks for delivery.
​Orders filled in USA, Canada, and Jamaica

Contact Paula Scarlett 917-497-5667
Online purchasing coming soon. 

Who We Are

The Rusea's Old Students' Association, Florida Chapter, (ROSAFL) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) association, dedicated to advancing the educational objectives of our Alma Mater Rusea's High School located in Lucea, Hanover, Jamaica W.I. All past students, teachers, principals, and educational supporters are invited to support us in this cause.   

Founded in 1777, Rusea's High has produced many of Jamaica's top leaders ​in numerous walks of life and disciplines, for over 240 years.    

The Coalition Of Jamaican Alumni Associations Of Florida Monthly Newsletter